

9318 Uppsatser om Swedish newspapers - Sida 1 av 622

Integrationsdiskurser i tidningar : en analys av fyra rikstäckande tidningar

This essay is about integration's discourses in newspapers. It compares four different newspapers with each other and it compares them also in a time perspective. The four different newspapers that the essay compares are Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen. These are Swedish newspapers and they are distributed all over the country. The time perspective is a two months period, one month in the year 1994 and one month in the year 2002.

Bevarande av dagstidningar i Sverige en probleminventering

The main purpose of this thesis has been to identify and discuss problems connected with the preservation of newspapers in Sweden. Another purpose was to see if the preservation of newspapers has been influenced by the fact that preservation studies in general concerns printed monographs and digital materials. This qualitative study is partly based upon interviews with four librarians experienced in working with newspapers and preservation. The thesis deals with cultural heritage in general and on a more specific level with newspapers where the following questions are dealt with: Why preserve? Who preserves? How to preserve? and What is preserved? Strategies used for preserving newspapers such as paper, microfilming and digitization are described as well as legal deposit, the Swedish microfilming programme and TIDEN, a digitization project of newspapers.

Vox pop, enkät och fem funderar. : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av enkäter i tre svenska dagstidningar åren 1997 och 2007.

The purpose of this BA-thesis was to study how three daily Swedish newspapers use a specific type of exemplars, which are recognized by a number of attributes. A photograph of the person that is interviewed always illustrates this type of exemplars and at least two persons are asked the same question.    The three newspapers that have been compared in this study each represent one of the major types of Swedish newspapers: morning press, tabloids and local press. By using a quantitative content analysis, one month was examined in all three newspapers in the year of 1997 and 2007.  Two of the theories that have been central in the thesis are Colin Sparks model of tabloidization, which demonstrates the process of tabloidization and McQuail?s description of commercialization.

Det här är Mixed Martial Arts! : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk dagspress framställer MMA

Purpose/aim: This study was performed in order to describe how Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is reported in Swedish daily newspapers during a five-year period. MMA is a relative new sport in Sweden and it is important that the description by the Swedish daily newspapers is accurate and balanced. Then this sport will have the same opportunities to grow as already well-established sports in Sweden. Material/Method: The material consists of 159 articles from six different daily newspapers gathered from 2006-12-07 to 2011-12-07. Quantitative content analysis is used to investigate how the newspapers describe MMA. The result from this quantitative analysis are then compiled, analysed and discussed by applying theories of agenda setting, framing and moral panic. Main results: The result shows that the Swedish daily newspapers give a relative neutral and balanced picture in their coverage of MMA but they are affected to a certain degree of moral panic.

En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv : Mottagandet av Solzjenitsyns debutroman i svenska tidningar

 AbstractThe main purpose of the essay is to describe the reception of Alexander Solzhenitsyn?s debut novel One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) in Swedish newspapers. The reception itself comprises the 1963?s Swedish reviewers opinions on the novel as to how it was controversial or not and the literary quality of the novel and Solzhenitsyn?s writing. In the analysis, seventeen reviews from seventeen different newspapers is included, studied and compared.

Fredsjournalistik : - En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra svenska nyhetstidningars skildring av Georgienkriget i augusti 2008

The purpose of this essay is to examine how peace journalism was expressed in Swedish newspapers´ reporting on the war in Georgia 2008. We did this by analyzing whether the reporting was elite- or people-orientated depending on how suffering was expressed and how the war players were described.The method we used was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). It was applied on news articles from four Swedish newspapers that covered three different happenings in the war in Georgia.We found out that the reporting was mainly elite-orientated, both when it comes to how suffering was expressed, as well as how the war players were described. The newspapers tended to focus on only one party?s suffering and one party as evil-doer, which is elite-orientated reporting and also an indication of war journalism rather than peace journalism..

Yttrandefrihet eller utrikespolitik? : En diskursanalys av Muhammedkarikatyrerna i svensk dagspress

The aim of this study is to analyze the discussion on the publication of twelve caricatures of the prophet Muhammad, in two Swedish newspapers ? Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. The caricatures were originally published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, in September 2005. Even though the violent protests and attacks against Danish interests gained major media attention in Sweden few ? if any ? major Swedish newspapers published the caricatures.Using Fairclough?s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), a theory and a method that critically examines the relationship between text, the discourse practice in which text is produced and consumed, and the wider social practice, this study examines why Swedish newspapers chose not to publish any caricatures.The study concludes that the relationship between orders of discourse continuously affect, and is also affected by, Swedish media content.

Reaktion utan reflektion? En studie av tidningarnas reaktioner på nya svenska partier under 2000-talet.

New political parties are increasing as phenomena in Swedish politics. Some of these parties have gained much attention in the media, and recent examples are Junilistan, Feministiskt initiativ and Sjukvårdspartiet. Media plays an important role for political parties as it is a way for the parties to communicate with the citizens. Therefore this essay examines how these three new parties have been pictured in media lately, and with what arguments they are discussed. This is done by argument analysis of editorials in five Swedish newspapers.

VI HITTADE DEN I BYRÅN En kartläggning av fyra svenska dagstidningars användande av TT

The purpose of the study was firstly to describe the use of news articles from the largest Swedish news agency, TT Nyhetsbyrån, in four Swedish newspapers. Secondly, the purpose was to see if there was a homogenization of which TT-articles that was used. This was carried out by examining articles on the newspapers? local, domestic and foreign pages. The newspapers that was chosen were Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten and Nerikes Allehanda.

?Dag Hammarskjöld var mannen med en mission? : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Dag Hammarskjöld som människa och symbol vid dennes död i september 1961

The purpose of this study is to show how the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet andDagens Nyheter reported on and described Dag Hammarskjöld as a man and a symbolat the time of his death in 1961. The method for the research has been a qualitativethematic analysis of the content in the articles published from the date ofHammarskjöld´s death to the day after the funeral. The study has been based on theoriesabout newspapers roles in the construction of imagined communities, the use of mythsand the objectifying of abstract ideas in news texts.I have found that the investigated newspapers described Dag Hammarskjöld assynonymous with the United Nations, the world peace and a hope for the future. He wasalso described as a link between the present and the past in the Swedish history at thesame time as he was described as a man of the people. He was representing?Swedishness? in an international context and the cosmopolitan.

Landet Kris : - en kvalitativ undersökning om hur Lettland framställs i svenska nyhetsmedier

The purpose of this study was to find out how Swedish newspapers writes about Lettland during 2005-2009, who gets to speak in media, which key words being used, and if the news articles content changes over the years. As a basis for my discussion I?ve used Stuart Hall's theories for representation and language. In the same litterature, Hall presents theories for stereotypes and power from different researchers which I have studied for this study. I?ve also used Van Ginnekens theory about who may be heard in media.

Vilka stora tänder du har! : En kvantitativ analys av fyra svenska tidningars rapportering om vargar under 2011 och 2012.

This BA Thesis in Journalism is a quantitative analysis of the coverage of wolves in Swedish printed media. Namely four daily newspapers, two national and two local. The two national newspapers are Aftonbladet which is a leading tabloid newspaper with national coverage and Svenska Dagbladet which is one of the two major newspapers with national coverage, as well as coverage of the greater Stockholm region. The two local newspapers are Falu Kuriren, which is located in Falun and mainly cover the province of Dalarna and Nya Wermlands-tidningen which is located in Karlstad and mainly cover the province of Värmland. These are provinces which have a large wolf population.As the work progressed we found that the newspapers have handled the coverage of the wolf in, what we believe, a good way.

Den svenska monarkin - Ett försvarbart statsskick En normativ analys av den svenska monarkin och en innehållsanalys av tidningsartiklar om Bruneiaffären

Although Sweden has democracy implemented in its Constitution, because of being a monarchy, it has a non-elected Head of State. The purpose of this thesis is on the one hand to show if it is possible to normatively legitimate the Swedish monarchy and on the other hand to display if and how the three biggest Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen justify monarchy by making a content-oriented analysis of their coverage of King Carl XVI Gustaf's political statement during his state visit in Brunei 2004.By using consequentialism and deontology as perspectives I will show that it overall is not possible to normatively justify the Swedish monarchy compared to a Swedish republic with an elected Head of State. This is mainly because democracy is implemented in the Swedish Constitution. In all three newspapers there is only little debate on the Constitution. Most commonly journalists criticize the King's statement but not monarchy as an institution.

Att förklara det oförklarliga : En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk press nyhetsrapportering från attentaten i Oslo och på Utøya 22 juli 2011

This study examines how Sweden?s four biggest newspapers deal with the attacks in Oslo and on Utøya the 22nd of July 2011. This date, where the ethnic Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik, bombed the goverment headquarter and killed 69 people at a political camp, will be remembered for a long period of time.  With its critical perspective, this study examines a total of thirteen news articles published within eight days after the attacks in Oslo and on Utøya, to see in what way the Swedish news papers constructs Breivik as a person. Furthermore the study examines in what way the Swedish newspapers makes connections to Sweden and to what extent speculation is used in the news articles. The theoretical premises for the study are the critical discourse analysis, and key elements within it that is used are ideology, discourse and micro- and macro analysis. The conclusion shows that Swedish newspapers are disposed to construct Breivik as a unique individual who falls outside the normative scopes in their explanations of a murderer or a terrorist.

När båtarna sattes i vattnet : Genus och klass i Svenska Dagbladets och Aftonbladets rapportering om Titanic-katastrofen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the image of the Titanic disaster in two Swedish newspapers reports of the disaster. By analysing various newspapers reporting of the disaster, we wish to investigate whether there are differences in reporting of gender and class in order to say something about the contemporary outlook and the prevailing social beliefs.The source material that the study is based upon comes from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet and their reports from the 15 April to the 30 April 1912 and the reporting from the time of the sea-hearings completion (22 May and 31 July 1912).The study finds that news reporting follows the same standards, however, are different in style of performance because of the newspapers' differing positions.The study finds that a distinction is made between the reporting of men's and women's behaviour. Whether a man followed or violated norms leads him criticized or praised in the newspapers. Women's behaviour is hailed independent if they followed the standard of what was feminine or masculine behaviour in a disaster.The study also finds that a distinction is made between passengers of the various classes in the reporting. The majority of reports concerning individuals in the First Class are in positive terms.

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